Census record for 1881103

AddressFirstNameSurnameRelation to HeadMarital StatusAgeEstimated Birth YearGenderOccupationBirth CityBirth CountyBirth Country
Railway StationJohnElkintonHeadMarried351846MaleTraffic Foreman (Rly)BichesterOxfordshireEngland
Railway StationElizabeth L.H.ElkintonWifeMarried331848FemaleWeston TurvillBuckinghamshireEngland
Railway StationAda KateElkintonDaughter41877FemaleRugeleyStaffordshireEngland
Railway StationJohn HenryElkintonSon31878MaleRugeleyStaffordshireEngland
Railway StationEdith H.ElkintonDaughter21879FemaleRugeleyStaffordshireEngland
Railway StationSarah A.ElkintonDaughter00FemaleRugeleyStaffordshireEngland
Railway StationHenryCoxBoarder221859MaleSignalman (Rly)IslipOxfordshireEngland
???WilliamSammonsHeadMarried341847MaleMill Laborer (Fact)Abbots BromleyStaffordshireEngland
???LizzieSammonsDaughter71874FemaleScholarAbbots BromleyStaffordshireEngland
???MarySammonsDaughter51876FemaleScholarAbbots BromleyStaffordshireEngland
???JohnTaylorHeadMarried331848MaleGeneral LabourerColtonStaffordshireEngland
Railway InnHannahHubbleHeadWidow481833FemalePublicanColwichStaffordshireEngland
Railway InnThomasHubbleSon151866MaleScholarStaffordshireEngland
Railway InnAnnieEvansNiece181863FemaleGoomheathStaffordshireEngland
Railway InnWilliamBurtonServant281853MaleGeneral Servant (Inn)BrewoodStaffordshireEngland
Railway InnSarahShellyServant221859FemaleDomestic ServantLittle HeywoodStaffordshireEngland
These are the extracted page image and table list of persons on the page from the census for the year. Colton in most years had two district returns, the village center and outer parish. Hence the gap on page numbering.

No attempt has been made to correct errors, it is as is. However additions have been made where entries, such as age, birth year, gender was missing. This was solely to allow for processing of information into the working real databases.

The page image is useful to correct miss readings and to determine building numbers and names which were not always typed in. This is especilally for the earlier years.

Note the numbers associated with a building are not necessarily the house number. They are the enumerators reference. They may not even be in order up the street. In some years (1911) the return entries appear to be random. 1911 is a useful reference as there is a return for each household despite it not being geographically ordered.