PDB Login


Login To Colton Parish and People Database

Enter your user name and password to log in.

User Name:
Click the “not a robot box” first

You will need to register if you do not have a login account

Note We have upgraded our password security. If your password fails on trying to re-enter the databases you will have to request a new password. Use the Forgotton your password link below.

The login details are held to comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulations effective from 25th May 2018.

All data provided will be held in a secure manner and in compliance with the above regulation.
The data stored will only be used for users to access this database and for general communication to the users of this database.

By logging in it is assumed that you agree to the use of your limited data for the sole purpose of accessing this database. If you do not agree change your email address to any valid rubbish ID.

[ Forgotton your password? ]
[ Register A New Account ]
[ Change Your Password ]
[ Change Your Email Address ]