Colton buries its time Capsule.
On the 12th. November 2009, a pleasant, mild autumn morning, a large group of us gathered together in Colton to bury the time capsule that the Colton History Society has spent the year organising. We are hoping that it will lay buried for 100 years before it is opened.
At least 100 of us including all of the pupils from Colton school, met together at 10 a.m. to witness the lowering of the capsule into the hole that Ken Ryder had so kindly dug in preparation. A short speech was given by Chairman of the Parish council Mr. Tony Hill who also deposited the first shovel of earth on top of the capsule. All the children then followed his example by putting a spade full of earth into the hole. The occasion was a very happy one with a real sense of the community spirit that is alive and thriving in Colton.
The Time capsule is in the form of a lead box tightly welded so that hopefully the items inside will survive and remain in good condition. It contains a variety of artefacts and information that the Society has collected together.
Although it was organised by the Society it very much represents a community effort. Many people have contributed to its contents in one way or another. All the different organisations that flourish in the village have contributed information about themselves to give some flavour of the things we enjoy doing in the village. The children of the school have also been involved and will hopefully provide some insight into what it is like to be a schoolchild in 2009. Through the questionnaire that so many people responded to, we have information on such things as where Colton residents were born, our employment and our pastimes. We have included photographs, documents, coins, newspapers for the day and many artefacts that represent modern day living such as a mobile phone. We also managed to record the memories of some of Colton’s long time residents.
Our hope is that it remains buried for 100 years and that it will give those who open it the same amount of pleasure it has given the residents of Colton in assembling and burying it.